I specialize in relationships. Whether that is your relationship with yourself or with your significant other or with the world, I would like to help you learn more and grow into your innate confidence and wisdom. I have found my passion in working with people and their internal world, and how that impacts their external world. I genuinely like what I do and the people who are brave enough to walk in my office. I think I bring a unique ability to see both what you are struggling with and the strengths that you already have within you. I have now been working in this field for 14 years and I continue to grow and evolve in my work with my clients.

I offer in person and telehealth appointments conveniently scheduled throughout the day and afternoon. I also see clients on Fridays during the day.

My session fee is $185 per hour for couples and $160 per hour for individuals. Sessions are one hour long and payment is due at the time of the appointment. I use a payment system called IVY PAY for secure credit or debit card payments.

I do not accept any insurance. Some clients utilize their Flexible Spending Accounts to pay for their sessions; other clients utilize me as an out-of-network provider. A receipt can be provided if you would like to seek insurance reimbursement.

Lisa Lutz, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of New York
Master’s Degree in Family Therapy from Friends University, Lenexa, Kansas
Clinical Fellow of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT)

Internal Family Systems, Level 1
Prepare/Enrich Pre-Marital Counselor

Internal Family Systems, Level 2
Intimacy From the Inside Out

Lisa Lutz Therapy, PLLC